Oracle Cloud Services

Oracle Cloud Services

Oracle Cloud Services – Migration and Maintenance.

Many organizations today are still in dilemma whether to go or no go with migrating their business’s on-premises workloads to the cloud. For most organizations, the promise of trouble-free, cloud-based information systems remains an elusive goal. Although cloud technology is pervasive, today’s installations primarily consist of new applications in private clouds managed by in-house IT staff. The vast majority of enterprise applications and infrastructure still remains on-premises. But that has been changing fast.

However, IT leaders often hesitate to move critical applications into the hands of cloud service providers—partly because they don’t see a clear migration path for entrenched legacy assets, but also because they aren’t sure whether public cloud services are ready for enterprise needs. They are right to be skeptical: Most public cloud offerings are characterized by insufficient deployment choices, limited compatibility between on-premises and cloud systems, and a lack of enterprise-level management capabilities.

Safe and productive journey to the cloud

Through our Industry-leading cloud computing platform, Oracle can help you easily migrate to the cloud while reducing the costs of IT modernization. Businesses can preserve their existing investments with familiar tools, and you don’t have to rewrite code to migrate your software assets. Elastic capacity through “cloud bursting” gives you the capacity you need without having to oversubscribe. The biggest savings comes from eliminating capital expenses by lifting and shifting entire workloads to the cloud and retiring data center assets.